We have a Dedicated Recruiter Available to Serve you
We assign one point of contact to our talented Recruiters for each candidate to offer the best possible service. The sole purpose of our Recruiters is to meet your specific needs with the highest quality professional service.
Here are some of the benefits of working with a dedicated recruiter
- Understanding your needs.
- Ability to find a suitable job/Candidate for you.
- You can control the back office, including invoicing and timesheets.
- We can manage onboarding and compliance.
- You will always have someone available to you around the clock!

What makes us different from others?
Transparency and honesty are the foundation of our relationships with candidates, consultants, and employees. We will always give you ‘it’ first. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad news. We will work in your best interests with all government agencies we deal with.
Why Choose Jobsquare?

Verified Candidates
Find quality candidates with thoroughly verified information.

Better Outreach
Our Easy Pricing Plan makes your candidate's outreach to your requirement easy. Create Account, Publish and Share into your Network for Easy Apply.

Contact Directly
Directly reach out to candidates using your preferred communication via Email/Phone/Chat.
Job Posting Packages
The JobSquare places your open jobs in front of talented professionals seeking employment at companies like yours—workplaces that value diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our job seekers are searching for entry-level to executive roles in all industries.
Our job posting packages are available to eligible employers. Contact us to find out if you are looking for a Bulk Job Posting.
For Employer
Jobsquare job posting packages provide Three ways to connect with candidates/applicants to your job posting on Jobsquare.co.in.
Get Started with Free on the Go - Suitable for Initial Hiring-
Job Posting
The job will be Expired After 30 Days
Job posting limit: 10 Jobs
Resume views limit: Yes
Manage Job Applications: Yes
View Applicant Resumes: Yes
Follow other Recruiters: Yes
Resume Suggestion: Yes
Candidate Shortlisting: Yes
Create Company Profile: Yes
Resume Alerts: Yes
Get a Boost in your job search for Higher Visibility – Job Posting to attract more candidates-
Everything in Free Plan Plus.
Featured Job: Yes
Refresh Job: Yes
Featured Company: Yes
Boost on Job Search Page
Job display Duration: 3 Months
Job posting limit: 50 Jobs
Job Custom Fields: More than 10
Boost on Job Search Page
Enhance your Employer Branding and Speedup the Hiring Process-
Everything in Featured Plan Plus.
Job Post Branding on Social Media.
View Resume Database: Yes
Download Resume Database: Yes
Detailed Job Description: Yes
Quick Support: Yes
Flexible job postings - start and stop at any time
Customize Plans
Increase views and awareness for hard-to-fill or critical roles. Discover a Performance-based approach to recruitment. If you need Customize Plans, reach out to our team at info@jobsquare.co.in or call us at +91-9540928385
Additional Posting Options Price: Need to Discuss
- Maximum Posting Exposure
- Jobsquare.co.in e-Newsletter feature (Send Newsletter to our subscribers)
- Jobsquare.co.in the homepage feature listing
- Featured on State / Province Pages
- Post the job to our 3,000+ followers
- Listed in our LinkedIn and Facebook Job Seeker Group.
- Confidential Job Posting - $50: Set up your job posting confidentially without indicating your company name and location

Related Services
You can get two consecutive weeks of access to explore candidates in the Jobsquare.co.in the 5,0000+ resumes database (200 view limit).
- Resume Database Access Only - $500
- Access to experienced industry professionals through our online resume database.
- Interested in resume database access? Contact us.
- Job posting credits should be consumed within 30 days from the date of activation/purchase.
- For Credit More than 30 Days, you should Connect with our Support team within 30 days from the date of activation/purchase.
- Please note that the amounts are exclusive of taxes. Taxes will be added as applicable.
- Discount percentages have been rounded off to the nearest number.
For Candidate
Jobsquare job posting packages provide Three ways to connect with candidates/applicants to your job posting on Jobsquare.co.in.
Lifetime Membership
Resume Post, Update and Edit.
Applying for Any Jobs: No Limits
Applications: No Limit
Job Alerts: Yes
Bookmarked: Yes
Manage Follow: Yes
Job Follow: Yes
Job Suggest: Yes
Block Companies: Yes
My Profile: Yes
Everything in Featured Plan Plus.
Resume Support.
Linkedin Profile Support.
Skill Assessment Suggestions.
Dedicated Learning Path Guidance.
Email alerts when a new job has matched your criteria.
Off the Platform Promotion.
Dedicated Support.