What is UPPSC
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission(UPPSC) is an organization set up by the Uttar Pradesh to conducts entry-level Civil Services Examination for various Civil Services of Uttar Pradesh. This organization was started 83 years ago in
1 April 1937.
Kind of Jobs Conducted by UPPSC
- Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (PCS) Examination
- Assistant Conservator of Forest (A.C.F.) Examination.
- Range Forest Officer (R.F.O.) Services Examination.
- U.P. Judicial Services (Junior Division) Examination.
- Combined State/Lower Subordinate Examination.
- A.P.S. Examination.
- Assistant Registrar Examination.
- U.P. Palika (Centralized) Health Services: Food & Sanitary Inspector Examination.
- Combined State Engineering Examination.
- Combined Junior Engineer Examination.
- Assistant Prosecuting Officers Examination.
Advantages of Working for Civil Service after being Hired by UPPSC.
Once you are been hired by UP State Government after clearing the exam conducted by UPPSC, you would avail of the following benefits:
- You will be working as a Civil Servant in UP.
- You will be having the authority of taking the decisions in your department.
- You will enjoy all the benefits that a UP state government employee gets.
- Your salary will be paid on time.
- As you will be working in the state government, your job will be secured, until and unless you do criminal offense or violate the job roles and description.
History of UPPSC
UPPSC has been conducting exams and has been hiring candidates for UP since 1937, for almost 83 years. It has been producing the best civil servants for the UP state since then.
Job Location
If you are qualified by exams conducted by UPPSC then you have to work in UP.
Exam Level
The level of exam conducted by UPPSC would be high because they would be hiring for the top-level Civil Servent for the UP state
Read More : RPSC : Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Job Type
Once you get Qualified by the exam conducted by UPPSC then you will be as a State Government Employee. You will be working as a higher official with other higher officials of UP State. You will be having the authority to make the decisions.
Release of UPPSC Exams Recruitment Notification
Currently, there are no job openings released by UPPSC. To get the latest Exams notification you can visit the official website and check it there.
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Important Exam Dates:
UPPSC conducts exams to hire Civil Servants for UP. The Important exam date would be first released on the official website.
We would also be posting updates about the important examination dates and exam updates.
Not just for the important dates but you can follow the official website for the other updates like Release of Recruitment Notification, Last Date for Submission, Mode of application, Last Date for Printing Online Application, Release of Admit Card and so on.
Total Vacancies for UPPSC Exams
According to the Total Number of available seats for the positions, UPPSC decides the total number of seats for each exam. these vacancies vary accordingly to each exam.
Exam Centres for UPPSC Exams
The UPPSC usually conducts exams within the UP state. These exams would be conducted under high supervision in some of the schools and colleges.
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Eligibility Criteria for UPPSC Exams
Anyone who wants to work as a Civil Servant and want to serve the UP State Government can write the exams conducted by UPPSC.
As the UPPSC conducts exams to Hires for the Civil Servants, they kept eligibility criteria for the candidates.
According to the requirement of the exam and job role and position, they hire the candidate in that particular field who have done higher education in that particular field and have hands-on experience in the same.
They even check the candidate physical fitness and health conditions, height, weight, eyesight, and other things. they also check for the family background and candidate background.
Read More : UPSSSC : Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission
Age Limit:
The Age limit for attending the exams conducted by UPPSC usually be between 20 to 40 years. These Age limits vary according to the kind of exam, the number of available seats, and other requirements. Relaxation in Age Limit will be given to many of the lower caste people.
UPPSC Syllabus Exams
Every exam has its syllabus. Syllabus depends on the kind of exam UPPSC is conducting.
Usually they follow an Exam Pattern while conducting exams. They set two papers:
Paper 1: Common exam type which covers the subjects from English, Maths, Science, Social and other subjects.
Paper 2: In-depth exam paper related to the post.
UPPSC Exam Pattern
UPPSC Follows an exam pattern. Below are the details about the pattern
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Usually the exams conducted by UPPSC would be for two hours. The date and time of the exam would be mentioned in the Admit Card. Usually, the exam (Paper 1)starts from 9.30 to 11.30 A.M. and (paper II) 2.30 to 4.30 P.M. They wrap up the exam within a day.
Type of Questions:
UPPSC would set the exam paper having both objective Type & multiple choice.
The exams conducted by UPPSC would be in English Medium. They would also have one of the subjects as Hindi as they would be hiring for UP and it is mandatory for a civil servant working in UP to know Hindi.
UPPSC Exams Selection Procedure:
UPPSC would hire the candidates strictly based on marks obtained in the exam and the basis of the physical fitness.
Application Fee for UPPSC Exams
The cost of the application fee for the exam depends upon the kind of exam conducted by UPPSC. These application fee varies from 100 to 500 Rs. Concession on these application fees is given to the lower class people of the society.
Job Profile:
UPPSC hires for various job profiles. It hires for the higher officials for the UP State Government like Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (PCS) Examination.
Few of the posts for which it hires is
- Assistant Conservator of Forest (A.C.F.)
- Range Forest Officer (R.F.O.) Services
- U.P. Judicial Services (Junior Division)
- Combined State/Lower Subordinate
- Additional Private Secretary
- Assistant Registrar
- Food & Sanitary Inspector
- Combined State Engineer
- Combined Junior Engineer
- Assistant Prosecuting Officers
Pay Scale
Any Employee who clears the UPPSC Exam would be eligible for the pay scale of Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/-, Grade Pay- Rs.5400/- (Level10 in the pay matrix Group) Group “B”, Gazetted. According to the job position and the job role, every employee would get their salary
How to Apply for UPPSC exams
To apply for any of the exams,
- Initially the candidate has to go to the official website and then you would have a list of official notification.
- Check for the notification of the job you want to apply.
- Click on the notification and check for the requirements and other things.
- In that notification, there would be a link to apply for the exam.
- Go through the link, register yourself to apply for the exam.
- Complete the details verify it and submit the details.
- make the online payment.
- Download the UPPSC Admit Card.
Books to prepare for History
- History of Modern India – Bipan Chandra
- India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma
- Spectrum Modern History
- History of Medieval India – Satish Chandra
- India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra
Books for Geography
- Geography NCERT class VI to Class XII
- Oxford School Atlas – Oxford
- Geography – A Comprehensive Study – Mahesh Kumar Barnwal
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong
Books for Environmental Science
- Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure – Rajagopalan
- Shankar IAS Notes on Environment and Ecology
Books on Indian Polity
- Constitution of India
- Indian Polity by Laxmikant
- Governance in India by Lakshmikanth
Books on Indian Economy
- Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh
- Economic Survey
- Uttar Pradesh Year Book
Books on General Science
- Science subject NCERTs
- General Science – Lucent Publication
Current Affairs
- Newspapers
- Monthly Magazines
Excluding these books you can find a lot of mock test papers and previous year question papers online which will help you to learn and would give you a brief idea about the kind of questions that are asked in the exam.
There are even a lot of youtube videos where the experienced people would guide you on how to crack the PCS, ACF, and RFO examination quite easily.
If you have already applied for the PCS, ACF, and RFO examination by UPPSC and failed to register properly or have any other issues in applying then comment down the issue below. We would help you guide you.
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