


Description of the Company

PUNJAB STATE POWER CORPORATION LIMITED (PSPCL) was formed on 1-2-1959 under the Electricity Supply Act 1948. They deal with the generation of electricity to the distribution of electricity to the complete Punjab.

Advantages of Working in PSPCL

Once you get selected in PSPCL

  1. You will be having Punjab state government job in your hand.
  2. You will be given high preference if you are Punjabi
  3. You will be working in the electricity department
  4. You can work in your local region.
  5. You will be availing of all the benefits of a government employee.
  6. You will get PF, Medical Facilities, Accommodation.
  7. Your Salaries would be paid on time.
  8. You will be having a fixed work timing.
  9. You won’t be having much of work pressure.

List of exams conducted by PSPCL

Here is the list of exams conducted by PSPCL:

  1. Computer Literacy Exam
  2. Ministerial Exams
  3. Stenography Exam
  4. Engineer Subordinates Exam
  5. AM / HR Exam
  6. AM / IT Exam
  7. Engineers Officers Exam
  8. UDC General Exam
  9. LDC / Typist -cum-Cashier Exam

Job Location

Once the candidate gets a job offer from PSPCL then the candidate would work in Punjab. That candidate would hold a state government job. According to the requirements after the completion of the training, they can transfer the candidate from one center to another within Punjab.

Read More : RPSC : Rajasthan Public Service Commission

PSPCL Exam Level:

According to the number of positions and the job roles the level of the exam would be decided by the PSPCL 

Job Type:

PSPCL is a State Government Job. The State Government would prefer to recruit a candidate who is the resident of Punjab and have sound knowledge about the local language and local regions. Once the candidate gets hired by the State Government, then they would be employed within Punjab.

Release of Recruitment Notification

You can go to the official PSPCL website and Download the official Recruitment Notification there.

Note: As there are no vacancies, there are no openings. You can download the previous notifications from the official site so that it would be a reference while you prepare for the exams.

Read More : EPFO Recruitment : Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation

Important Dates

All the Important dates including the Last Date for Printing Online Application, Last Date for Submission, Date of Release of Admit Card, Examination Date, and other dates would be mentioned in the official job notification which will be released in the official Website.

Total Vacancies for PSPCL Exams

According to the number of positions and the job roles, the total number of job vacancies would be decided by the PSPCL 

Exam Centres

As it is a state government exam all the exams would be conducted within Punjab. These exams might be conducted in Schools or Colleges. 

Complete details like Exam center details and Date of the exam would be mentioned in the admit card. Sometimes the exams might get postponed and the candidate might remain uninformed. So to avoid such situations, the candidate needs to keep an eye on the official website.

Eligibility Criteria for PSPCL Exams 

The Eligibility Criteria varies according to exam

  1. For SAS Part I: Any regular employee of PSEB on the Official side like A.R.A., Steno typist, Jr.Sc.Stenographers & Sr. Sc. Stenographers Circle Asstt., Asstt. Store Keepers/ Store Keepers, Head Clerks, Head Office Asstt. who have passed the Deptt. Accounts Examination for Ministerial Estt. shall be eligible to appear in part I of the SAS examination of the Board. 
  2. SAS Part-II: Those who have qualified the SAS Part-I can write the SAS Part-II examination. 
  3. Engineer Officers: The Engineering Subordinates with at least five years of service may be allowed to write this exam.
  4. Ministerial Establishment: All lower Division Clerks, Upper Division Clerks, Cashiers, StenoTypists, Store Keepers & Asstt. Store Keepers can apply for this exam. 

Read More : TSLPRB : Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board

Syllabus for PSPCL Exams

PSPCL Exams Syllabus depends on the kind of exam:

  2. For SAS Part-II Exam the Syllabus would be: Drafting & Computer Knowledge, ACCOUNTS & AUDITING, Industrial, Commercial Laws & Direct Taxes, WORKS AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING

Exam Pattern for PSPCL Exams

For almost all the exam PSPCL follows the following exam pattern

  • Duration:2 Hours
  • Type of Questions: Written and MCQ
  • Medium: Hindi and English
  • Marking System:  A candidate will have to obtain 40% marks in each of the four papers with an aggregate of 45% marks.

Read More : TSPSC : Telangana State Public Service Commission

Selection Procedure for PSPCL Exams 

Depending on the marks obtained in SAS Part 1 the candidate would be selected for SAS Part 2 exam. A candidate will have to obtain 40% marks in each of the four papers with an aggregate of 45% marks to be selected. Same with the SAS Part 2. based on the results the candidate would be called for the final face to face interview.

Application Fee for PSPCL Exams

Application fee varies according to the exam. Those who belong to the general or OBC category have to make a payment of Rs 1000. The candidates belonging to SC/ ST categories are required to make a payment of Rs 400.

Job Profiles

Here are the list of job profile PSPCL Hires for:

  1. Computer Operator
  2. Stenography Exam
  3. Engineer Subordinates Exam
  4. AM / HR Exam
  5. AM / IT Exam
  6. Engineers Officers Exam
  7. UDC General Exam
  8. LDC / Typist -cum-Cashier Exam

Pay Scale for PSPCL Exams

For Different Vacancies, job roles, and profiles the pay scale would vary accordingly.

How to Apply for PSPCL Exams

To Apply for PSPCL Exams follow the following steps:

  1. Read the official Notifications for the job you are applying to. If you feel you are eligible for the job then
  2. Go to the official site where you can apply for the job. ( One can find the link in the official notification)
  3. Register yourself with the genuine email id and phone number.
  4. Submit all the documents that are required including the photo and signature.
  5. Complete the details, verify all the details and then submit your details to apply for the exam.
  6. Once you have submitted then the page would be redirected to the payment gateway.
  7. Pay the amount and generate the receipt.
  8. Download the receipt and download the admit card.

There are a few important things that one has to keep in mind while applying for the exam

  1. Offline Registration of the exam is not available.
  2. One must apply this exam through the official website itself
  3. Once the payment is made, it cant be refunded.
  4. One cant apply for the exam after the last date of application submission.
  5. Once the application is submitted it can’t be changed or modified.


  1. As currently there are no openings, this option is currently not available on the website. This would be available back again once there are openings.

PSPCL Exams Official Recruitment Notification link

Currently, there are no official job recruitment notifications for the candidates. To get the Job official job recruitment notifications, keep updated with the official website. If you don’t understand how to do that or if you feel it very confusing then you can subscribe to us to get the latest official PSPCL Jobs recruitment notifications


To download the PSPCL admit card follow the below steps:

  1. Register yourself for the exam on the official website.
  2. Make sure that the information that you have filled is correct.
  3. After applying to make the payment
  4. Once the payment is received, the information will be verified.
  5. Once everything is verified you will get the chance to download the HSSC Clerk Admit Card.


As there is no Job-Opening currently, you cannot apply now or download the admit card. Once there are openings, you can follow the above process and download the application.


There are a lot of ways to prepare for the exams, there are a lot of online course videos on YouTube. There are a lot of Free Mock Tests and previous question papers that you can use to practice for the exam which will help you to crack the exam very easily.


There are a lot of books through which one can prepare for PSPCL Exams. Some of those are:

  1. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd 2020: Junior Engineer – Electrical
  2. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd 2020: Junior Engineer – Civil
  3. Punjab State Power Corporation Limited Junior Engineer / Sub Station Attendant -Electrical Engineering 2018
  4. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd LDC / LOWER DIVISION CLERK & STENO TYPIST 2019
  5. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd ACCOUNTS posts _2019
  6. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd CIVIL _2019
  7. Complete Guide PSPCL LDC 2019
  8. Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd ELECTRICAL _2019
  9. PSPCL Lower Division Clerks LDC & Typist Exam Books 2018


If you have already applied for the PSPCL and failed to register properly or have any other issues in applying then comment down the issue below. We would help you guide you.

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